Studying the Messenger

With regards to this blog, here are some completed digital art sketches and trials on harnessing the dynamic poses of the cybermessenger. But you may ask, why the direction in exploring the character pose and palette assortment?

Top: Left and middle – travelling through cyberspace’s highways.
Top: Right – Joyful little spark, is he?

Middle Top: Left – Sad and miserable… 😦
Middle Top: Right – Always listening
Middle Lower: Left – too much snacks…
Middle Lower: Middle – Always with a smile
Middle Lower: Right – Now would be a good time to run… (see one preview page from “Kleine Helden: Little Heroes“)
Lower: Left – What could probably have frightened this messenger?
Lower:  Right – Soft and fuzzy for a nap (which he won’t need as a cybermessenger, heehee).

With regards to his developmental backstory (before he was officially hired on the Internet!), found from an archived page of the official Expo page: The Colourful Mascot Now has a Name:
Twipsy, the EXPO 2000 Ambassador, it is noted that “[the mascot in question] can change its colour, its skin, its clothing and its shape according to its emotions and moods.” (This was demonstrated in one page in of the books “Kleine Helden: Little Heroes“, where a concept image of a dark-hued and angered Twipsy is present)

Of course, when our little spark of energy was finally adapted for an animated series explaining more to his backstory, a single consistent colour palette was settled on. Kind of defeating, considering that Twipsy was portrayed in numerous palettes, as seen on postcards from the Expo (for instance, from an online postcard website here). I suspect this would be to keep the character a little more recognisable, and not very threatening in some respects.

Though truth be told, it’s fun to get to know this cybermessenger by eye. ^///^

(All illustrations are just conceptual only, and so far, one image is based on a resource as provided here. Also, apologies to all parties where possible. *sweating nervously*)

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